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homeinns 發表於 2017-7-18 18:19

共產黨連 Whatsapp 都封,要用 VPN 才能正常使用





「全網封鎖!Whatsapp 已發不了照片和video。




拜托(託) 中國限制進口情有可原 出口不應該啊 怎麼賺錢怎麼立足?





homeinns 發表於 2017-7-18 22:15

[i=s] 本帖最後由 homeinns 於 2017-7-18 22:24 編輯 [/i]

朋友: 你們看, 英語的全球霸權, 是不無道理的

WhatsApp Is Blocked in China. Here’s What You Can Do

Apparently the Great Firewall of China is getting tougher recently. WhatsApp, the popular messenger app that’s being used by over 1 billion people around the world, seems to be blocked in China.

Since July 18, 2017, many people started complaining that they could no longer use WhatsApp in China, which suggests WhatsApp is now banned in China.

Is WhatsApp Blocked in China?

We just tried installing the WhatsApp app in Shanghai. While we were able to install the mobile app using an installation file provided by Baidu.com, once we reached the step for verifying our phone number, we got an error saying “Unable to connect. Please check that you are connected to the Internet and try again”, which means the connected between the phone and WhatsApp’s server was blocked. Then we connected to a VPN on our mobile phone and tried again. With the VPN on, we were able to pass the phone verification step and was able to use WhatsApp without further problems. Then we turned off VPN, and we were not able to send out any message from WhatsApp.

Also, currently we can’t open WhatsApp’s website without using a VPN.

Our tests above indeed indicated WhatsApp is now blocked in China.

Update: New York Times just published a news, which confirmed that WhatsApp is now blocked in China.

This is going to be problem for WhatsApp users in China. Although most Chinese people use WeChat instead of WhatsApp, there’re many people, such as expats, business people and travelers, are active WhatsApp users in China. With WhatsApp being blocked in China, they won’t be able to communicate using this app as usual.

Why did the Chinese government block WhatsApp at this moment? It could be related to politics. Based on many people’s observations, whenever the time is close to big political events in China, we will hear more news related to China’s online censorship.

About half month ago, GreenVPN, a once popular VPN provider based in China, announced that their VPN service would be closed on July 1st. Then we heard rumor that China ordered local telecom providers to completely block VPN by February 2018, which was then denied by the Chinese government.

How to unblock WhatsApp in China?

We suggest you use a VPN to bypass China’s blocking of WhatsApp.


lookforyou 發表於 2017-7-19 08:26


milanolarry 發表於 2017-7-22 14:12

約半年前我已經發覺流動數據用吾到 whatsapp,用地線就仲可以。而果時就剛剛係 whatsapp 轉新版,所有訊息都會加密。我估可能 E樣野同被封殺有關。老實講,連香港買到既充值漫遊咭都要實名制,你就知其實阿爺其實好緊張,咁遲先封 whatsapp 我反而覺得有 D 出奇。

homeinns 發表於 2017-7-22 14:14

中共封殺 翻牆App「陣亡」
製作人被捕 網民無法上Gmail YouTube











milanolarry 發表於 2017-7-22 17:44

報告,我珠三角這邊用地線 whatsapp 可以傳聲、圖及字。

milanolarry 發表於 2017-7-22 17:56


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