電訊茶室's Archiver

carlchan 發表於 2017-10-16 14:42

Any updated adBlock script ?

Dear all

Is there any updated method for adBlock for RouterOS?

I just found :  
# create script to Download fresh list and replace old one
/system script add name="Download_Ads_List" source="/tool fetch url=\"https://blocklister.gefoo.org/ads" dst-path=ads.rsc; /import file-name=ads.rsc;"

# create schedule to run script weekly
/system scheduler add comment="Download_Ads_List" interval=7d name="DownloadAdsList" on-event=Download_Ads_List start-date=jan/01/1970 start-time=02:42:00

# add firewall rule once
/ip firewall filter add chain=forward in-interface=bridge-local connection-state=new protocol=tcp dst-address-list=ads_list action=reject reject-with=tcp-reset comment="Ad-block list drop"

I set , but seem not working good


Qnewbie 發表於 2017-10-17 20:47

Try this

/system script add name="Download_Ads_List" source="/tool fetch url=\"https://blocklister.gefoo.org/ads\" ds
t-path=ads.rsc; /import file-name=ads.rsc;"

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