電訊茶室's Archiver

Qnewbie 發表於 2018-8-5 15:08


OBI200有BT adaptor配舊手機(非智能手機),設想一下用來接駁:

街外手機 => 屋企舊手機 => OBiBT => OBI200 => SP X => call 大陆或者其他國家

1. 街外手機打屋企舊手機,轉過去OBI200。
2. OBI200俾個dialtone街外手機,街外手機直接撥打號碼。
3. OBI200通過SP X(X係1到4)接通撥打號碼。


inshenzhen 發表於 2018-8-5 20:56


Shenzhen_on9 發表於 2018-8-15 07:29

Yes, I have done that and it works.  However, problem with voice quality and stability.

Qnewbie 發表於 2018-8-28 15:54

It works.

Say, mobile number on the move is 6683xxxx, then put the inbound call to as:
Voice Service → BT1 → Inbound Call Route

Just follow the aa instructions, dial 2 and make a new call thru Obi200.(**10086xxxxx.#)

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