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本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 11:28 編輯
但有一个限制是,一定要使用 DLink 品牌的路由器的。
(因为 DynDns Server 会检查发出 UpDate 指令的是否来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器?),
如果不是来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器,该免费的 DDNS Account 就会被立刻被封杀的。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:03

No need to use  DLink 品牌的路由器的。

I had used the approach to create a domain with XXXX.dyndns.org and let the XXXX.dyndns.org used by a LINKSYS router directly.

So far so good and is still working.. No 封杀 at all..


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 18:06 編輯
一定要使用 DLink 品牌的路由器的。
(因为 DynDns Server 会检查发出 UpDate 指令的是否来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器?),
如果不是来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器,该免费的 DDNS Account 就会被立刻被封杀的。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:03

Just tested the registration approach..
It is still working today..

1) Register at https://www.dlinkddns.com/signin
2) Use the same credentials to login www.dyndns.org
3) Create/register the hostname you needed (e.g. XXXX.dyndns.org )
4) Apply the hostname, creditals to your non-dlink router


Did you receive any message from DynDNS telling you that you have to login www.dyndns.com in every 30 days of use?

For my case, I have already registered 5 accounts but I often receive regular e-mails from DynDNS about my accounts to be expired if I do not login the system in 30 days.


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 12:29 編輯
Did you receive any message from DynDNS telling you that you have to login  in every 30 days of use? ...
角色 發表於 2014-4-21 11:19

Not at all...

No email could be received regarding  "login  in every 30 days of use"
No email could be received regarding "Dyn stop for free user"
I had not login Dyndns for many months and the domain is still working and updatable..

Just need to see if it is still workable after 7-May-2014.


本帖最後由 homeinns 於 2014-4-21 11:37 編輯

如果 Tom C-Hing 目前还是使用 非 DLink 品牌的 Router 内的 DynDns 服务。

目前还是没有问题的,直到 2014年5月7日 DynDns 停止为非付费客户提供服务为止。

在5月7日以后,如果你还使用 DLink 品牌的 Router, 当然还是可以有 “免费” 的 DynDns 服务。
其实你在购买该 DLink 设备时,已经间接 付过一次性的费用给 DynDns,
你其实是已经是一个已经付过费用的客户来的。(并不是 Free of Charge 的客户)

请你在 5月7日后, 再用你的 非 DLink 设备再 UpDate 一次 DynDns 的免费 Account。
我保证,只要它 Detect 到你的 UpDate 是来自非 DLink 品牌的东西,就立刻马上封杀。
现在的问题就是怎样去破解和 Copy DLink Firmware 内 Souce Code,
去虚拟的模仿 DLink, 从而瞒骗 DynDns 而已 !!!

我们这些网络老雀,没有办法,只有蝉过别枝,移师过去 ChangeIP, No-IP, DtDNS 等免费服务。(已经顺利的 Painlessly 的转移啦)

更高手的,就会想办法去破解 DLink 和 DynDns 之间的 HandShaking 通信
去模仿 DLink 的 DDNS Update 的 Porgram Script


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 11:33 編輯
请你在 5月7日后, 再用你的 非 DLink 设备再 UpDate 一次 DynDns 的免费 Account。
只要它 Detect 到你的 UpDate 是来自非 DLink 品牌的东西,就立刻马上封杀。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:27

Let's wait and see..

If not working, then will see if it is possible to 破解 DLink 和 DynDns 之间的 HandShaking 通信 ..


回復  wingchai

    One drawback with changeip: your login info is written in clear text.

Unfortu ...
Qnewbie 發表於 2014-4-21 02:02

    係喎.tplink 唔support changeip
draytek 2930n
寬邁 DGP306-o
Soundwin TB110
Tp-Link 1043nd
水星 mw330r


Tom C-Hing, 你看,已经白纸黑字,写得很清楚啦。
只有利用一台单一 DDNS 用途,放在自己网络的最上游,才能够享用 DLink 的免费 DynDNS

要不就要网络高手去想办法去破解 DLink 和 DynDns 之间的 HandShaking 通信,
并去模仿 DLink 的 DDNS Update 的 Porgram Script

Welcome D-Link Customers
Let's get started! In order to set up a dynamic DNS host name for your D-Link router, please create an account. From there you can reference our “How To” section for getting everything set up.

This is a complementary service for D-Link customers only.

We monitor this portal carefully, and should we detect that you are not a D-Link customer, your account will be deactivated without notice.

If you are not a D-Link user, please see below
Not a D-Link customer?
That's alright! Dyn has a solution for you.
If you're looking for a way to remotely access your router, computer, etc.; then we'd love to offer you a free 14-day trial for our DynDNS Pro service.
You'll gain access to up to 30 hostnames per account and will never have to worry about your account expiring!



draytek 2930n
寬邁 DGP306-o
Soundwin TB110
Tp-Link 1043nd
水星 mw330r


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 23:15 編輯

回復 23# homeinns

I also notice that warning as well.

I had been using since June 2013 ( i.e. 10 months already )
DDNS is still updatable and so far there is no 封杀....

See below :

Verified today and found the XXXX.dyndns.org (from the LINKSYS router using DD-WRT ) is still updatable.

I will wait and see if it can safely transit on and after 7-May-2014..


回復 24# wingchai

DynDNS USD 6 per year? 那么为什么要我选择pro?


USD 6 per year 係changeip.com
draytek 2930n
寬邁 DGP306-o
Soundwin TB110
Tp-Link 1043nd
水星 mw330r


D-link個ddns server, 乜唔係指定要用佢個dlink sub-domain咩. ? 即係 xxxxxx.dlinkddns.com
無得選用其他sub domain.


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 18:09 編輯
D-link個ddns server, 乜唔係指定要用佢個dlink sub-domain咩. ? 即係 xxxxxx.dlinkddns.com
無得選用其他s ...
SuiYan 發表於 2014-4-21 17:02

Just tested the registration approach..
It is still working today..

1) Register at https://www.dlinkddns.com/signin
2) Use the SAME credentials to login www.dyndns.org  <= This looks not reasonable and yet it really works..
3) Create/register the hostname you needed (e.g. XXXX.dyndns.org )
4) Apply the hostname, creditals to your non-dlink router
It is no hurt to try it out. Right ?


This email is a reminder that Dyn's free hostname program will be ending this Wednesday, May 7th -- 3 days from today. If you are receiving this email, you have one or multiple free hostnames (ex: your-cool-hostname.dyndns.org) with us.

In order to avoid any service disruption, you have the option to upgrade your free service to any package of Remote Access (formerly DynDNS Pro) for a one-time 25% off discount. By doing so, you will keep your current hostnames as well as gain immediate access to additional hostnames, customer support, and more.

Here's how you get this done in two easy steps:
1) Login to account.dyn.com.
2) Click here to add Remote Access to your cart at the one-time 25% discount, applied upon checkout.

Note: This turndown only affects free hostnames like “your-cool-hostname.dyndns.org”, not domains you own such as “example.com” that are typically associated with our Standard DNS or Domain Registration products. These paid services will remain unaffected.

However, if you are a customer with a paid Dyn service other than Remote Access (ex. Dyn Standard DNS or Dyn Email Services) and also utilize free hostnames in your account, you must purchase Remote Access to keep those hostnames.

Closing Your Account:

Although we hate to see you go, we understand if you would like to close your Dyn account and seek free dynamic DNS from another provider. In order to do so, just visit the Close Account page. Please note that Dyn will not close your account for you.

If you have additional questions about the changes, please visit our FAQ page.
draytek 2930n
寬邁 DGP306-o
Soundwin TB110
Tp-Link 1043nd
水星 mw330r

