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本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2010-11-15 21:18 編輯

Yes, I saw it from their website today, the lastest one is svn 438 that involves minor changes only.

My IP01 is running smoothly without problem.  The minor one is that it seems the box refuses to accommodate more files even it still has 5% space.  I tried to upload a file to Musiconhold folder but it is erased automatically after reboot.  Strangely, it can play the music if I don't reboot the box.

After upload, I used 97% of the space.  Hence, I guess, without evidence, the box would not allow us to use more than 95% of its capacity with the rest 5% as buffer

It will be great it can accomodate gsm as well.


回復 151# bubblestar

    A new firmware image has been built. snv 443. No idea what has included or bug fixed.


It is mainly about SD card support for PR1 added.

http://switchfin.svn.sourceforge ... in/switchfin/trunk/


SMS support in Switchfin

Friday, 26 November 2010 17:55

Hi Guys,

SMS support was added in Switchfin.

In order to use it please compile Switchfin trunk for IP02/IP04/IP08 target with GSM1 support.
You need to have GSM1 module plugged in your PBX

Now you will be able to check if new short message is available using the following syntax:

/bin/gsm-sms /dev/dahdi/wcgsm smscount

, get the message using the syntax

/bin/gsm-sms /dev/dahdi/wcgsm smsget

If you need to send a message just type

/bin/gsm-sms /dev/dahdi/wcgsm smssend number "Text of the message"

Comments are welcome. Cheers!


剛剛compile 咗SVN 451,有DHCP server as option


Can I have this latest copy for evaluation?   Also, I want to see whether I can really upgrade the firmware in Switchfin GUI without problem.   As you know, I failed to do so when transitted from ATCOM to Switchfin.



You can try the new firmware.




回復 158# 電腦超人

    如果你買咗 IP02/04/08 with GSM module,可以試下。我估英文應該冇問題,中文SMS就???


我剛剛試upgrade 上 SVN451,成功了。但感覺沒有預期的暢順,要拔插蘇先至可以從新進入GUI。

另外,restore 之前的 settings 後,只有extensions 可以恢復,outgoing calling rules, incoming calling rules 及 dialplan 全部空白,無法restore至之前設定。其它未有詳細看。

GUI 的反應明顯慢了幾秒 (相對SVN 432 來說),但仍快過ATCOM GUI。

今次版本可能因為預設不是行DHCP,所以需要重新設定network IP,才能用返自己個組network address。無咁方便,但都可以自己攪掂。

稍後都是暫時換返SVN432,原因是新版感覺上有D不穩,可能因為memory已剩下不太多,not enough buffer for processing。以前我也有提及,當我upload music 去 MOH,一超過95%,reboot 後,首歌會自動消失,可能就是這個原因,今次upgrade 之後,未能把全部之前的SETTINGS 100% restore 得到。  所以...有D擔心。


回復 160# bubblestar


從以上觀察所推論,Asterisk Server 的 RAM NAND, buffer 等記憶體其實不能太少,像IP01這款型號,我現在也未用盡它所聲稱的30 concurrent calls 及 users extensions,似乎都已去到它的盡頭,日後要買現成的 IP-PBX SERVER,必定要留意這一項目。

PC-BASED SERVER 在呢一方面比較佔優,因為加減記憶體、HDD 相對容易,呢樣野就是我所說的scalability 擴展性的好處了。


可能我忘記改network.conf and asterisk/rc_org.conf to dhcp=yes


回復 160# bubblestar

    雖然我只compile, 冇uograde,但應該唔會。以前就算我按咗reset,起碼有D files未完成reset。可以files bug to developers, they are very helpful




回復 164# lttliang

PC 用 Centos 做 compile, 然後將firmware 放係IP01

