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雖然Draytek的router可以set 3個DDNS, 但是假若各位換了router, 而有些router只能set 1個DDNS, 你會否在你的Asterisk server set多1個DDNS做backup? 如何set?
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回復 1# 雯雯


1. 如果用linux server, 可以加 ddclient update 其他DDNS
2. 如果用ATCOM IP01, 就要轉switchfin firmware。有inadyn client to update DDNS
3. 如果你的 router 有send email 功能,可以叫 router send 個email 通知ip address 改咗,咁就可以backup

三個方法我都有用,最好都是用 router DDNS 功能 和方法 1 & 2。

同時要小心abusive update,因為有時D client會不明地重復連線update,這樣會 block account。


雯雯 :

Switchfin based IP0X 的 inadyn client 正常運作。 當我了解清楚新加的iptables, IP01 是可以獨立放在唔同sites做落腳點。


回復 2# ckleea

yes i am hit
and the domain is now blocked due to abuse update

what is your solution , ching, can u share?
i don;t want to use dyndns
your choice of ddns update client and setting/config   


回復 4# tsm

    In what way your domain is blocked? Due to repeatedly update within a short time. I have been using "Dyndns" service, If you ask them about the cause, they usually allow unblocked.

You then need to check the reason. For "Dyndns"
1. usually due to unstable internet connection, it was the case I encountered. The router kept update whenever the connection was made
2. improper router client, "Dyndns" always said that only a few routers are approved. But I don't think it is the case. as long as (1) internet connection does not have problem
3. software update client you use. "Dyndns" provides a list of compatible client. I use ddclient in the linux server.

Then, check your internet connection, do you use ADSL and do you switch off the modem? How frequent your assigned IP changes? I normally do not switch off the ethernet modem. I use HGC, Perhaps the IP changes once every two weeks or even longer. So the update is not frequent But I do set up router to upgrade once every 30 days in case of no IP changes.

I hope this is of help to you.


Thank you for your sharing
I think the update client (download from dyndns) is no good
seem update every minutes (may be I don;t know how to config)

i will try ddclient
thank again for your advise

I use 2myip.com
[not blocked by PRC yet]


回復 6# tsm
Which OS you are using?

DDclient is good one. I have not tried 2myip.com


clearos (which should be centos then)


回復 8# tsm

    Your clearOS should be quite powerful. How many WAN you are using? I don't know which client will suit you best but I believe ddclient should work for you.


回復  雯雯


1. 如果用linux server, 可以加 ddclient update 其他DDNS
2. 如果用 ...
ckleea 發表於 2010-10-19 13:14


