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名符其實的 Super Dial ! 要仔細看才能明白線路的走向。

如果用 DAHDI,可利用 4 條線 (如果有的話),只要簡單的 g0 便可以自動跳線撥出。

exten => _9X.,1,Dial(DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN:1},40,r)


A super failover trunk dialing tutorial 超讚!!!  我 LIKE


回復 12# ckleea

Agree!  Your contingency plan per se is a failover.  

Your solution seems to be a one-to-many idea.  Of course, you have 2-lines-to-many-devices, in fact.

Whew!  you are something else.


What a GREAT idea!


回復 31# ckleea

How long does it take to initiate a real call when you reach the first available trunk, say on the fourth or fifth trunk?

I ask as I did a similar test and placed the unavailable trunk in the first 3 position on purpose.  When the system check the fourth trunk and sucessfully initiated the call, it took about 20 - 30 seconds.

In this connection, I infer that the more we add, the longer time we need and wait to make the call.


Are those stsTrunks use the same IP (different ports I know) on the same server?  My test was made on difference different IPs on difference VoIP devices.  So, I think it took some time in my case.

Anyway, thanks for your experiment report.  Yours are quite acceptable and satisfactory.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-4-19 21:31 編輯

因為最近加入了OBi110 及 OBiAPP 兩種撥打模式,經過一番組合後,現在都可以利用Super Dial 的方法撥打PSTN電話了,好處是不用再死記不同的Dialing Prefix,實在記死人了

但我發現OBi110 及 OBiAPP 的撥打反應最慢,而且打完之後,可能要等幾十秒後,才可以打第二次,可能要在個別OBi110 的機子內調較一下才有改善,而且我比較特別,因為OBi110接了入Siemens DECT Phone,經過了幾重關卡,這也許是反應慢了的原因吧!
  1. exten => _9X.,1,Noop(Dialing out through PSTN)
  2. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN:1})
  3. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/${EXTEN:1}@SPA3K-HTTPD)
  4. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/**8${EXTEN:1}@obi110)
  5. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/2*${EXTEN:1}@obiapp)
  6. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/5${EXTEN:1}@ip01)

  • DAHDI 因為TDM Card 設於Asterisk Server本機之中,速度及反應最快,最理想,跟直撥PSTN沒兩樣,贏晒;

  • SPA3102 緊除其後,打完一次,再打第二次都不需要等;

  • OBi110 及 OBiAPP,每打完一兩次,有時會要等幾十秒,好像要等它回復Ready狀態似的才能再打;

  • IP01 因為要利用另一條TRUNK接出,所以反應略慢,但都可以接受。

但好奇怪,IP01條Rule一定要放在最後,否則,把它放在中間時,有時不通的時候,它不會Pass 給下一條Rule撥打,所以要留意先後次序,自行測試至最佳的設定。


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-4-21 22:56 編輯
因為最近加入了OBi110 及 OBiAPP 兩種撥打模式,經過一番組合後,現在都可以利用Super Dial 的方法撥打PSTN ...
bubblestar 發表於 2011-4-19 21:26


上面的一段Dial Plan雖然可以正確地利用不同Trunk撥出電話,但我在CLI 入面看,發覺它有很多Warning prompt,令我感覺好樣衰和肉酸,所以現在修正如下,主要是用一些逗號填補了一些沒有使用的ARG 空位,讓Marco 讀取後,不會發出Warning Prompt。現在感覺良好了,一個Warning error 也沒有,乾淨靚仔晒 。

  1. exten => _9X.,1,Noop(Dialing out through PSTN)
  2. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,DAHDI/g0/${EXTEN:1},,m,,,1,,,,)
  3. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/${EXTEN:1}@SPA3K-HTTPD,,m,,,1,,,,)
  4. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/**8${EXTEN:1}@obi110,,m,,,1,,,,)
  5. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/2*${EXTEN:1}@obiapp,,m,,,1,,,,)
  6. exten => _9X.,n,Macro(superdial,SIP/5${EXTEN:1}@ip01,,m,,,1,,,,)


另外,有關另一條 macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3 一樣出現Warning Prompt,現亦修正改為 macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3a 如下:
  1. [macro-trunkdial-failover-0.3a]
  2. exten = s,1, Set(GROUP()=OUTBOUND_GROUP)
  3. exten = s,2, Noop(${GROUP_COUNT(OUTBOUND_GROUP)})
  4. exten = s,3, GotoIf($[${GROUP_COUNT(OUTBOUND_GROUP)} > 1]?1-CHANUNAVAIL,1)
  5. exten = s,4,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${CALLERID(num)}})} > 2]?${CID_${CALLERID(num)}}:)})
  6. exten = s,n,GotoIf($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})} > 6]?1-dial,1)
  7. exten = s,n,Set(CALLERID(all)=${IF($[${LEN(${CID_${ARG3}})} > 6]?${CID_${ARG3}}:${GLOBAL_OUTBOUNDCID})})
  8. exten = s,n,Goto(1-dial,1)
  9. exten = 1-dial,1,Dial(${ARG1})
  10. exten = 1-dial,n,Gotoif(${LEN(${ARG2})} > 0 ?1-${DIALSTATUS},1:1-out,1)
  11. exten = 1-CHANUNAVAIL,1,Dial(${ARG2})
  12. exten = 1-CHANUNAVAIL,n,Hangup()
  13. exten = 1-CONGESTION,1,Dial(${ARG2})
  14. exten = 1-CONGESTION,n,Hangup()
  15. exten = 1-NOANSWER,1,Dial(${ARG2})
  16. exten = 1-NOANSWER,n,Hangup()
  17. exten = 1-out,1,Hangup()
把它運用於Speed Dial 之中,使用如下:

exten => 330,1,Macro(trunkdial-failover-0.3a,DAHDI/g0/1878200,SIP/**81878200@obitalk,,)

現在可以跟那些Warning Prompt 說拜拜了。


Very robust failover trunk especially the last one with Datacard.  Will try to integrate it with my existing one later.  Many thanks.


本帖最後由 bubblestar 於 2011-4-28 10:36 編輯

回復 49# 角色

In fact, I have similar settings as ckleea C-Hing.  One of the advantages is that we can failover to a NUMBER of trunks instead of only one spare trunk even you just have one single PSTN for outbound.  Of course, it will be more flexible if you have two or more on hand.

An efficient and less memory in dialing prefix is our another prime concern.  How painful you are if you have to memorize and differentiate 6 or 7 or more dialing prefix for just making a single call.

Super Dial is very suitable and especially for those people, like you, who has to make frequent calls to different areas.



Me too.

I'm thinking whether we can failover using more trunks in this respect.


Mine is almost the same as following:

exten => 330,1,Macro(trunkdial-failover-0.3a,DAHDI/g0/1878200,SIP/**81878200@obitalk,,)

