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記起在使用SPA3000/SPA3102/SPA1001/PAP2T 等等的ATA時候,有一個Dial Plan 是幾好用的,就是hotline,當家中有老人家,小朋友不懂撥打複雜的Dialing Plan Prefix 去某地方時,便可以大派用場。

在ATA LINE1 DP中鍵入 (S0<:91234567>)便可以了。


那麼在ASTERISK之中,如果是用DAHDI Telephony Card是否也可以實現此輕鬆功能呢,答案是肯定的,怎能輸給小小的ATA呢!!

方法也很簡單,就是在 /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf 內找到或自行加入

immediate = yes

這樣的話,當你拿起電話筒,它就會自動找尋在該電話所屬Context 內 's' extension 撥出,同樣無需再按任何鍵。

有人會問,這樣做豈不是只能固定地打出到一個內定的電話號碼,失去了彈性嗎? 如果呢個係給老人家打救命電話,小孩找爸媽,太太/女朋友找閣下又或霎時衝動/火滾記不起號碼,那麼在情急之下就相當有用了。

如果真是想方便而又有彈性,那麼也是可以的,就是把 's' 的 Context 設定成一個IVR或auto-attendant 之類的DP,那麼,一拿起電話筒,它便會提你輸入你想要撥打的號碼,然後接出去。例如所用的電話機線路所屬的context 是 default,那麼就是:

exten => s,1,Answer(500)                                               
exten => s,n,Goto(auto-attendant,s,1)

exten => s,1,Wait(1)
exten => s,n,Background(vm-enter-num-to-call)
exten => s,n,WaitExten(20)
exten => s,n,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => s,n,Hangup()
exten => i,1,Playback(pbx-invalid)
exten => i,2,Goto(s,1)
exten => t,1,Playback(vm-goodbye)
exten => t,2,n,Hangup()
exten => h,1,Hangup()

相較之下,單靠ATA便少了一份彈性了,而且上述的DP也是大家一直都熟屬悉的或一直有用的,那麼只加一句immediate = yes 便可以了,超簡單又實用。

今天是情人節,女仕們,請讓你們的另一半,給你設定一條HOTLINE專線吧!  男仕們,不會想湊我一頓吧!

Think back to the TV show Batman, when Commissioner Gordon was in his office and needed to talk to Batman, he simply picked up the receiver on the red Batphone and it rang in the Batcave. So you see, even super heroes can use asterisk!

ckleea 兄也可以考慮,加入這一項,溶入你剛剛發表的Super Failover Trunk入面,連speed dial 那個330 三個數字也可以省掉呢!!

Less is more !!


回復 2# bubblestar



回復 2# bubblestar



關鍵是 immeidate = yes 及 PSTN 所屬的 context answer 要是 's'

當拿起電話筒,ASTERISK 會看成有電話打入黎 (其實嗰個係自己),那麼你電話機所在的Context s 會接,因為你的DP本身是 Speed Dial super failover trunk,所以便會自動打出the first available trunk 的電話給對方。






回復 5# bubblestar

The purpose of my 330 is for speed dial/


Yes I know.  I just do it once again on my side for making sure that it works.  If we put the s instead of 330 on your speed dial DP above, when picking up the handset, it will dial out the desired number as stated in the DP automatically.  No input of 330 is required.

Hotline + Speed Dial concept and a bit faster.

This method is workable for me using the PCI Telephony card.  Just showing another option for reference.

If those who don't have Telephony card, ckleea's C-Hing's Speed Dial model supersede mine.


Are we crazy enough to look for different ways to enhance our VOIP?


Most probably, yes.


回復 1# bubblestar

    Do you think it can use for softphone  or voip phone? I can't understand if you pick up the phone, it automatically calls someone, it sounds like a 救命鐘

However, if one alters in this way, when picks up, a nice lady will talk to you " 歡迎... 請按1 到 ..." Then, it will be more user friendly and appropriate. The backbone will be a nicely designed IVR.


回復 10# ckleea

What you think had been implemented in SPA3102 before.  It is called HOTLINE function.

As for the IVR like Sexy voice or 天籟之音 from lady, I have done so but without such beautiful voice.  I just built it on top of and integrate into my existing IVR/Auto-attendant Dial Plan.

You can test by using SPA3102 to feel how HOTLINE operate first.  Then you may know what I talk about.  As stated in my post on the 1st floor, the primary purpose is for helping the elderly and children to refrain from operating complicated DP.  Also you may fine tune it to connect to IVR for further usage.

To make life easier, you may allocate a dedicated phone set that attach to PCI telephone card, like me, to handle such function.  It won't affect all other remote VOIP handsets which can operate as usual.

I think this is one of the advantages that PCI card outperforms ATA.


回復 11# bubblestar
I read my SPA3000 should have the hotline function. BTW how to configure?


回復 12# ckleea

    在ATA LINE1 DP中鍵入 (S0<:91234567@gw0>)便可以了,不過,如果你有很多Dialing Rules,一定要把它放在第一位。

      Also ensure to enable IP Dialing, which is located at the end of of Settting Page on LINE 1 TAB.  Then submit all changes.  Done.

    Now, when picking up your handset, it will be automatically dial 91234567.  For VoIP only, your DP may be something like (S0<:6006>)


如果你想有其他OPTIONS,可以寫成WARM LINE 用法:


那麼,拿起電話筒五秒內,你可自行鍵入想打的其他號碼,否則 5 秒後,它會自動撥出 91234567。

呢個Warm Line feature 也是非常有用的。有彈性,也同時擁有救命鐘功能。


回復 14# bubblestar


