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教程 OBiApps + Asterisk 成功 autostart ,音質良好 (updated)

本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-4-7 21:07 編輯

My Linux server can now autostart obiapps. Asterisk connects to it automatically after booting.

Tricks are shown below.

本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-4-11 20:25 編輯

To have autostart OBiapps in Linux, you need the following
1. a working linux server
2. install vncserver and have it start upon booting.
e.g. chkconfig on vncserver
3. I am using root to start asterisk and hence, the obiapps should be started by root
There should be other way to start as different users, but I don't know the answer yet.
4. in your favorite x-windows environment, I like gnome. You need to install wine.
In Centos 5.5, yum install wine should do
5. copy the Obiappsetup application from windows PC or download directly from the internet
6. use wine to install obiapp. Using the default program position should be ok
7. use wine to run obiapp the first time to enter your login information.
screenshot.03-04-2011 14.13.17.jpg

8. when login, you can see your status in ObiTalk
screenshot.03-04-2011 14.14.44.jpg

9. in sip.conf, set your asterisk to register obiapps as sip client.
screenshot.03-04-2011 14.14.31.jpg

10. to autostart obiapps, linux x-windows, wine.
use vnc to connect to your root gnome.
locate the session from here

screenshot.03-04-2011 14.15.22.jpg

add the following to the startup program
wine "C:\program files\obihai\obiapp.exe"

screenshot.03-04-2011 14.15.45.jpg

Now you should have your obiapp running automatically after your linux server boots up.

Always check with asterisk to see if you are registered.

If you don't want vnc and gnome, consider to install Xvfb

yum install Xvfb xorg-x11-fonts*

Xvfb :4 -screen 0 800x600x24&
export DISPLAY=localhost:4.0
DISPLAY=localhost:4.0 wine "C:\\Program Files\\OBIHAI\\obiapp.exe" > /dev/null

Or create a scripts to run it as below

Xvfb :4 -screen 0 800x600x24&
export DISPLAY=localhost:4.0 &
DISPLAY=localhost:4.0 wine "C:\\Program Files\\OBIHAI\\obiapp.exe" > /dev/null
sleep 300
asterisk -rx "reload"

Remember sometimes, it takes a while for wine obiapps to start up. Asterisk may show failure to register, timeout or rejected.
Do a "asterisk -rx reload" will update the status


sip show registry as below

screenshot.03-04-2011 14.28.38.jpg

sip show peers as below


Please note that while your asterisk registers the Obiapp soft client as the usual lan IP, but in the outgoing context you need to have another IP address. I.e. what I described before to use webmin to create a virtual network interface for your linux server.

Remark: in webmin, you need to create as below



How to set up your asterisk sip.conf and extensions.conf can be found here

http://www.telecom-cafe.com/foru ... &extra=page%3D3


My pleasure. This is especially for those with a linux server.

I think OBi110 should be placed at place where people not reading understand ATA/VOIP. They pick up the phone and press a few speed dial to connect their friends and relatives.

For us, with an asterisk server or IP01, we should work to integrate into our system.


In my previous post, I use mobile phone to dial in and just like using asterisk server. Quality is very good.


本帖最後由 ckleea 於 2011-4-4 10:36 編輯

回復 10# bubblestar

No. Mine is always correct in the setting. No idea why you can't but there is thread in forum mentioning this.

You may reinstall the OBiApps again.


回復 12# bubblestar

    Sorry. it should be my Obiapps remembers the correct setting.


Enjoy your integration. You now have different ways to deal with VOIP.


See my updated instruction to eliminate the need for vnc and gnome


Updated on 11 april, need some more testing
Autorun not always work by scripts


你用asterisk 做中心,然後配合obi110 做各樣功能


對大部份soft modem都唔可以對應FXO,只有個別X100p。




可以試下裝 AsteriskNOW,玩下,不過部分功能需要自己 compile.

