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One benefit for Skype is that most 3G-ISPs treat Skype as data-traffic not VOIP traffic. VOIP traffic is counted as voice and hence much expensive than data-traffic.


回復  dreamy2k

之前試過DTMF是不太好, 最近比較忙沒有再試.
雯雯 發表於 2012-9-18 14:00

Just wondering which adaptor is better: Connect-Me or SPA110...

1. Skype => adaptor => FXO => Asterisk => SIP phone...
Is it reliable using DTMF@Skype to select IVR@Asterisk?

2. SIP phone => Asterisk => FXO => adaptor => Skype
I suppose this should work...(OK, numerical short-cut are set in advanced for skype-names)

Asterisk is running@IP01 with Switchfin.


回復 17# 雯雯

    I am not planing to use it in HK. The size wouldn't be a primary concern but the functionality does.

PS.: Where to buy SPA110 in HK? Or we have to buy by post from TW?


回復 19# 雯雯
US$20...for portal


Someone has tested the Freetalk:

1.Freetalk 免電腦就可以使用 skype, 省去一台電腦長時間 24 小時開機, 可以省下不少電費.
2.通話品質還算 ok.
3.Skype 來電會顯示正確的呼叫者 skype ID(限英文), 這個功能應用在 IP PBX 上時, 在話機上會顯示對方 call in 進來的 skype ID, 不會搞不清楚對象.
4.無法設定國碼, 在使用上較不方便, 但此點可以用 IP PBX 上的 dialplan 解決.
5.接通速度快, FreeTalk ATA 在撥入及撥出的接通速度上相當快.

和其他 Skype ATA or gateway 的比較
1.它是單 port 設備, 並無法像 VoSkye multi port 設備可以自動分配話務或是忙線轉接.
2.接通速度比 SP-110 快很多, 穩定性也較好, SP-110 現在最大問題就是接通速度很慢.

