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今天又来一个 Email 最后一天催款,明天就停止服务啦。
但,好对不起,已经说 Goodbye 啦, 无缝的转移过去 ChangeIP 和 DtDns
那就看,明天我们的 ATA, VPN Server, Audio Streaming Server, Asterisk Server, 会不会停产呢 ??

准备功夫做足,应该可以平稳的过渡,走着瞧吧, 我们明天再汇报, 免费 DynDns 停止服务后的市面的情况。 (懂得使用 DDNS 的网友,应该有一定的网络知识的,没有可能那么容易给 DynDns 玩起的)

This email is a reminder that Dyn's free hostname program will be ending tomorrow morning -- Wednesday, May 7th.

If you are receiving this email, you have one or multiple free hostnames (ex: your-cool-hostname.dyndns.org) with us.

In order to avoid any service disruption, you have the option to upgrade your free service to any package of Remote Access (formerly DynDNS Pro) for a one-time 25% off discount. By doing so, you will keep your current hostnames as well as gain immediate access to additional hostnames, customer support, and more.

If you do not want to upgrade your free Dyn hostname(s) to Remote Access, there is nothing you have to do. However, if you would like to upgrade your account, here's how to do it in just two easy steps:

1) Login to account.dyn.com.
2) Click here to add Remote Access to your cart at the one-time 25% discount, applied upon checkout.

Note: This turndown only affects free hostnames like “your-cool-hostname.dyndns.org”, not domains you own such as “example.com” that are typically associated with our Standard DNS or Domain Registration products. These paid services will remain unaffected.

However, if you are a customer with a paid Dyn service other than Remote Access (ex. Dyn Standard DNS or Dyn Email Services) and also utilize free hostnames in your account, you must purchase Remote Access to keep those hostnames.

Closing Your Account:

Although we hate to see you go, we understand if you would like to close your Dyn account and seek free dynamic DNS from another provider. In order to do so, just visit the Close Account page. Please note that Dyn will not close your account for you.

If you have additional questions about the changes, please visit our FAQ page.


本帖最後由 homeinns 於 2014-5-9 11:20 編輯

從昨天 2014年5月8日(星期四)香港時間晚上開始我那一個 Grandfathered 的 5個免費的 DynDns 的 DDNS Domain 已經不能夠 Update 啦。
但還可以  Ping 到, 只不過不能夠 Update IP 而已。
這就正式宣佈,與 DynDns 的多年的免費關係結束啦,正式過檔還是免費的 ChangeIP 和 DtDNS 啦。

我是在 2005年12月31日(大除夕的深夜),開通這個有5個免費 Domain 的 DynDNs DDNS 服務的。

不知不覺的已經使用 DynDns 的免費服務已經長達 8年 多啦 (共 101個月多一點)

折合成為大約 3050日左右 (共 73,200 小時),
在2005年起步時,大部分用在我的香港老家的破網翻牆的 DD-WRT VPN Server 上。

雖然現在結束了這  3,050 日 的免費的賓主關係
我還是很感謝 DynDns 這8年多來提供那麽可靠,那麽優質的 DDNS 服務,雖然它是免費
與強國的免費 DDNS 比較,簡直是天壤之別,絕對是不同檔次的。

希望有一天,互聯網上所有的 DDNS 服務都收費,我才會考慮吃囘頭草。(因爲這是互聯網嗎)


From: DynDNS Support
Sent: 12/31/05 12:13 AM
To: xxxxx@yyyyy.com

Subject: Your DynDNS Account Information

Your DynDNS user account 'xxxxx' has been created.  

You must  visit the confirmation address below within 48 hours of the time  this e-mail was sent to complete the account creation process.  

Our basic service offerings are free, but they are supported by  our premium services.  

See http://www.dyndns.com/services/ for a  full listing of all of our available services.  

To confirm your account, please go to the address below:  https://www.dyndns.com/account/confirm/dGiTzxxxxxxxxxxabcdeQQ  

Please note: If you did not sign up for this account, this will  be the only communication you will receive.  

All non-confirmed  accounts are deleted after 48 hours, and no addresses are kept  on file.

We apologize for any inconvenience this correspondence  may have caused, and we assure you that it was only sent at the  request of someone visiting our site and requesting an account.  

Sincerely,  The DynDNS Team

