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本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 10:36 編輯
我有一个狂想,不知道能否实现:-, 请 Programming 高手赐教:-
其实 DLink 提供这个单一的免费 DDNS Account 是已经 付过费用给 DynDns, 目的是去 Support  DLink 的销售市场。(请看下面的 Link)

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 10:07

Not need to 进行科学的解剖

Once you register at  http://www.dlinkddns.com/, the credentials are usable at www.dyndns.com.

Actually Dyndns will grant you another free Dyndns hostname directly once you register at  http://www.dlinkddns.com/

Details see below
http://boomshadow.net/tech/how-t ... ree-dyndns-account/

This Dyndns hostname can be used by 非 DLink UpDate Client directly.. No 自动封杀..

I had tested and is still using for many months..


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 11:28 編輯
但有一个限制是,一定要使用 DLink 品牌的路由器的。
(因为 DynDns Server 会检查发出 UpDate 指令的是否来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器?),
如果不是来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器,该免费的 DDNS Account 就会被立刻被封杀的。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:03

No need to use  DLink 品牌的路由器的。

I had used the approach to create a domain with XXXX.dyndns.org and let the XXXX.dyndns.org used by a LINKSYS router directly.

So far so good and is still working.. No 封杀 at all..


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 18:06 編輯
一定要使用 DLink 品牌的路由器的。
(因为 DynDns Server 会检查发出 UpDate 指令的是否来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器?),
如果不是来自一台 DLink 品牌的路由器,该免费的 DDNS Account 就会被立刻被封杀的。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:03

Just tested the registration approach..
It is still working today..

1) Register at https://www.dlinkddns.com/signin
2) Use the same credentials to login www.dyndns.org
3) Create/register the hostname you needed (e.g. XXXX.dyndns.org )
4) Apply the hostname, creditals to your non-dlink router


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 12:29 編輯
Did you receive any message from DynDNS telling you that you have to login  in every 30 days of use? ...
角色 發表於 2014-4-21 11:19

Not at all...

No email could be received regarding  "login  in every 30 days of use"
No email could be received regarding "Dyn stop for free user"
I had not login Dyndns for many months and the domain is still working and updatable..

Just need to see if it is still workable after 7-May-2014.


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 11:33 編輯
请你在 5月7日后, 再用你的 非 DLink 设备再 UpDate 一次 DynDns 的免费 Account。
只要它 Detect 到你的 UpDate 是来自非 DLink 品牌的东西,就立刻马上封杀。

homeinns 發表於 2014-4-21 11:27

Let's wait and see..

If not working, then will see if it is possible to 破解 DLink 和 DynDns 之间的 HandShaking 通信 ..


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 23:15 編輯

回復 23# homeinns

I also notice that warning as well.

I had been using since June 2013 ( i.e. 10 months already )
DDNS is still updatable and so far there is no 封杀....

See below :

Verified today and found the XXXX.dyndns.org (from the LINKSYS router using DD-WRT ) is still updatable.

I will wait and see if it can safely transit on and after 7-May-2014..


本帖最後由 tomleehk 於 2014-4-21 18:09 編輯
D-link個ddns server, 乜唔係指定要用佢個dlink sub-domain咩. ? 即係 xxxxxx.dlinkddns.com
無得選用其他s ...
SuiYan 發表於 2014-4-21 17:02

Just tested the registration approach..
It is still working today..

1) Register at https://www.dlinkddns.com/signin
2) Use the SAME credentials to login www.dyndns.org  <= This looks not reasonable and yet it really works..
3) Create/register the hostname you needed (e.g. XXXX.dyndns.org )
4) Apply the hostname, creditals to your non-dlink router
It is no hurt to try it out. Right ?

